Has anyone actually been contacted about app development?

I tried to get started on an app a while back (thread here) and got a lot of “we’ll contact you” and “send me an email” but never actually heard anything. I also remember talk about a developer section of this forum in the initial announcement, but haven’t seen anything like that either.

Is app development only for the partners that are specifically selected? Did the pandemic just stall this indefinitely?

I’m still happily using my Joto with the “unofficial” node libraries to draw my dashboard, using cron as a scheduler. I was just hoping by now there would be a supported way to develop apps, and maybe get access to more advanced features (like drawing without erasing first).

Hi @hellolukemeyer - we replied your private messages in the forum about Google assistant. Not sure if you saw them?

If we’ve missed an email - can you just drop a quick email in a new thread to hello@joto.rocks and we’ll make contact that way.

Things have also been put on temporary hold during the pandemic in the UK because it’s been hard to run the business with the restrictions. We’re just slowly but surely spinning things up again.

I saw those replies in the other thread and sent some emails back in June, but didn’t hear back.

Anyway, I just sent off another email to hello@joto.rocks, subject is “Developer access request”. Hoping this one makes it through. :crossed_fingers:

Have just replied to your email with our original response - let me know if you get it :crossed_fingers:

@joto I see that you’re responding in this thread so can I ask you to help me, too? My Joto has been a brick for 8 months and despite multiple promises of help from @jim, nothing of substance has happened. It’s still a brick and I have no path forward except to keep asking for help in these forums. See my original thread here:

Hi @jxn - have just replied to your email.