Weekly Jot project

We’ll be updating this thread with content from our Instagram Weekly Jot project. Check it out here and get involved! - https://www.instagram.com/jotorocks/

Download the SVG’s to jot at home – If you click on the images in this thread it should open in a new tab, right-click and save as. You can then upload these SVG’s in the Joto app.

We want to inspire people to stay connected through creativity.

We want you to share a drawing each week and we’ll announce a new theme to get the creative juices flowing. Here’s the rules:

  1. Square canvas

  2. One colour

  3. One line thickness

You don’t need a Joto to take part but we’ll be using Joto and our platform to showcase and share the best work. Tag us and use #WeeklyJot to share your work.

Week 1 - Positivity

To kick us off we’re sharing a phrase we’ve been hearing a lot lately. It’s been attributed to many different people and we thought it was particularly apt.

Here’s Joto writing out our first Weekly Jot submission – this really sweet handwritten message from @jeongyeong_jc

This positive #WeeklyJot is from the Joto team - jiā yóu (加油) is a Chinese expression of encouragement that literally translates to 'add oil’




Week 2 - Mindfulness

This weeks Weekly Jot theme is – Mindfulness. We’ll be sharing jots we find mesmerising and calming to watch but interpret the theme however you like!



Week 3 - Character

This weeks #WeeklyJot theme is – Character.

This week we’re featuring some fantastic character illustrations by @richard_yot from his graphic novel “Inside The Mind Of Gideon Grey”. As well as a brilliant illustrator, Richard is also an experienced 3D artist and provides excellent training in lighting, rendering, and shading.

Week 4 - Discover

Theme – Discover. We’ll be jotting some content from @Wordoftheday

Thank you to Brendan Page @o.k.great for submitting this fantastic illustration for this week’s Weekly Jot!

Awesome! I’ll upload a “Character” tomorrow if I get a spare 5 mins!

All the best

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Awesome, nice work Gareth :ok_hand: