JOTO does not enter pairing mode
The lamp on joto head stays on and I can’t enter pairing mode.
Press and hold the button for 2 seconds to keep it on even after resetting.
when I hold the button down the pen move and make a noise。
JOTO does not enter pairing mode
The lamp on joto head stays on and I can’t enter pairing mode.
Press and hold the button for 2 seconds to keep it on even after resetting.
when I hold the button down the pen move and make a noise。
I am experiencing exactly the same issue. I have reached out a number of times to Joto but received no response. Were you able to fix this?
Did anyone ever figure this out as I am having same issue
I also have the same problem for both my jotots after wifi network change. Unfortunately I deleted both devices from the app and now cannot add them anymore…
For those who still have the devices in their app you might be able to connect to your joto if you use your phone as hotspot with all network name and password?
I did see that the joto was able to connect to my phone this way but for me this doesn’t solve 5he problem…
Would be great if this gets solved others I have to non functioning jotos like probably many others…